Friday, October 26, 2007

Panic Attacks

I am no scholar. I am no teacher, nor preacher. I would consider my self in the realm of Christianity a young adult, learning as much as I possibly can so that I can not only be closer to my Father, but to be able to seek and save the lost.
My wife has been suffering from panic attacks for as long as I have known her. And they recently have come back, with a vengeance. This has forced her to get more serious about the Word, and more into the Word, but there seemed to be a missing piece. I could feel that in my heart, that there was something missing.
My wife has been reading healing scriptures, and praying over them. I believe that prayer is so powerful, and God promises us that he will answer all of our prayers. John 14:14 confirms this, telling us that if we ask anything in His name, He will do it. And as an earthly father would not want us to suffer, I find it very hard to believe that our heavenly Father would want us to suffer. I firmly believe that scripture confirms that as well (Matthew 6:26).
I believe that the Holy Spirit has been talking to me lately, but its tough sometimes to understand what He says, and I would assume its because we really do not want to hear what it is that He is saying. In any case, He sure was clear to me this morning. He gave me three scriptures to give to my wife. And I'll give them here. Whoever may read this can take them for what they are worth.

Matthew 8:16 And He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were sick

Matthew 10:7-8 "And as you go, preach, saying 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

Mark 3:14-15 ...that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sickness and to cast out demons:...

Not only did He give me these, but He told me what to tell my wife. You see, the attacks have been so bad that she cant go to work, and this morning she told me of suicidal thoughts that were going in here head.
What the Lord showed me was that we do in fact have healing. He healed and He appointed us to be healers. But what these scriptures show us is that when there was healing, there was a word, or preaching. You see, we get bogged down by our own infirmities and the cure is in our mouths! We have to preach His word to be healed! It could not be any clearer. God does not lie (Hebrews 6:18) and His intention is not to confuse us (1st Corinthians 14:13).
I challenge anyone that were to read this and is sick or infirmed from any illness, you go and preach His word like he has commanded us, and just watch yourself be healed.

Psalm 107:20 He sent His word and healed them,...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hand of The Almighty God

Two stories from California this month caught my attention. I did not see the correlation until my pastor pointed it out to me. And it could not have been any clearer.

World Net Daily:

"We're calling upon every California parent to pull their child out of California's public school system," Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families, told WND.

"The so-called 'public schools' are no longer a safe emotional environment for children. Under the new law, schoolchildren as young as kindergarten will be sexually indoctrinated and introduced to homosexuality, bisexuality, and transsexuality, over the protests of parents, teachers and even school districts," he said.

The law at issue went through the California legislature as SB 777, and now bans in school texts and activities any discriminatory bias against those who have chosen alternative sexual lifestyles, Meredith Turney, legislative liaison for Capitol Resource Institute, said.

"There will be no exemptions to this indoctrination," Thomasson told WND. "Private schools and homeschool will be the only sanctuary left for parents in California who love their children and want to protect their sexual innocence."

He posted on his website examples of situations he expects to see developing in California schools, under the new requirements:

  • "Please turn to Chapter 10, entitled Famous Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people. History tells us that great Americans such as Walt Whitman and Abraham Lincoln were gay and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was lesbian. It's likely that even prominent biblical personas were gay, such as King David of Israel and the Apostle Paul. Until this year, the sexual identities of these and other historical figures have been denied by discriminatory textbooks that reflected adversely on LGBT people by ignoring their existence."
  • "Children, our new picture book has arrived. This is a fantastic story called Daddy's Wedding. It teaches us that no relationship is bad. See the two men dressed in tuxedos, like they're at a wedding? Daddy's Wedding tells us that two men can love each other and even get married…"
  • "Class, for our contemporary social studies' new No-Discriminatory-Bias component, we have a special speaker this afternoon. He will share his amazing story of growing up as a male trapped in a female's body."
  • "Here in our boys' sex education assembly, you need to know that puberty means growing facial hair, a deeper voice and a growth spurt when you're in junior high. If you're comfortable with those changes, great. But we're required by law to tell you some of you may have a different future. Some of you may feel more comfortable with girls and feel like a girl inside…"

The second story, was of course the California wildfires of October 2007. Now there are many stories on this catastrophe. And as of today (10/24/07) about 1 million residents have been evacuated, about 1600 homes have been destroyed, 700,000 acres have been burnt, 6 deaths, and the fires continue to ravage. A good synopsis of the fires can be found here.

Matthew 16:3 and in the morning, ‘It will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.

America, our judgment cannot be any clearer.

I am quite sure that every decade had its own signs that made it evident that the the second coming was near. But the fact of the matter is that those times are here, right now. In 2nd Timothy 3, we are given the signs of the last days, describing these as "perilous times":
  • Men will be lovers of themselves and money
  • Men will be proud, blasphemers, and disobedient to parents
  • Without self-control and lovers of pleasure
We have to move, brethren. We have no choice. There is a coming judgment to this nation if we do not turn things around. The laziness of our American Christianity must stop. The Hand of our Protector will be slipping away soon. Please repent and turn to Jesus. He is our only salvation. Give up this worldly pride. Disasters like this will become commonplace if we do not turn the direction of this country.
The prophet Amos wrote us that there will be a famine, not of bread or water, but for hearing the words of our Lord (Amos 8:11). These are those days.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Way of the Master Basic Training Course Review

For the most part, if you search for Way of the Master reviews, you will usually find gleaming approvals, and how it has changed churches from being "lukewarm apostates" to becoming "blazing on fire evangelists".
Dont get me wrong, I believe that The Way of the Master Ministry, along with Livingwaters, is among the top ministries in the country right now. They are dead on accurate on the necessity to get out and preach the gospel to the world. They have truly changed my life. But is $100 for their course worth it? Well, I can give you my opinion. Absolutely not.
Just kidding. I just joined a church, my true family and home church. It just so happens that they had a copy of the course, so I had a chance to go through it.
I got my hands on the audio cds (I am guessing the dvds are the same thing). just finished it yesterday. And here is what i thought.
It's the tv show on cd. But thats not to say I would not recommend the course. In fact, what they did, was they put the shows in order of importance for a training course. I suppose you can watch all the shows and take notes, its just easier if its all compiled and layed out for you. And it presents all the material in a way that would make it suitable for group instruction.
I dont think I would buy it if it was just for myself, but definitely for a group. I plan on doing the course again with some family members, and perhaps get the secondary course, either myself of through the church. There is also some material that is in the audio/video that was not on the tv show. I see it as like the glue that put all the pieces together.
So take it for what it is worth. I saw all the material that was in this course when it aired on television, yet i think i have a better grasp on the witnessing techniques they teach, after listening to the cds. Get it or at least watch the tv show. And practice!

Ramadan Celebration

In the city of Oak Lawn, IL, District 122 allowed for the celebration of ramadan at their schools, along side traditional celebrations of halloween and christmas. How great is our country, that people can leave their own countries of tyranny and oppression, where in some places it is a crime to even own a bible, places where woman are second class citizens, and have the freedom to be here and live in peace, and impose the same culture that perpetuated the original tyranny and oppression! You gotta love the good ole USA!
Jesus once said to us "How is it that you do not understand?" (Mark 8:21), and those words ring so true today. No one is saying that people cant celebrate what they want in this country, but this is the beginning of the deterioration of the fabric of our society. Lets take the hispanic community for example.
And before anyone can say anything, in have no problem with immigration, and i happen to be hispanic myself. Please read on to see the point i am going to make. It has nothing to do with illegal immigration.
Hispanics, particular mexicans, started to migrate to this country for jobs, just like everyone else. Quite a bit of culture shock for both sides, due to the fact that america was primarily of european descent. Anyhow, to get to the ends, the hispanics in our country have set up their own communities, once with its own borders, but now have expanded and broken these imaginary borders. Hispanics dwell within other communities, integrating themselves into what some people may consider the "mainstream community". All together, just as a big "melting pot", which was a basis of forming this country in the first place. No problemos.
That is not what you see with the muslim community. They want separation. They do not intend to integrate into our community, the american community. The whole thing in oak lawn started because the school lunches contained jello, and they did not want to be around it cause the product contains pork. And again, they wanted to be separated during their ramadan, because of the fasting that is involved.
Look, i am no rocket scientist. An I am sure anyone can expound on this. But you see the culture "shock" that these people want to impose on the country. Lets be real. There has to be some form of assimilation when you are entering a foreign country. Especially when you are coming to take advantage of the liberties that the new country offers. That is not happening. And we can speculate what will happen if this continues and prevent any negative consequences, or we can just continue to wait and "see what happens".
In my deeply humble opinion, i think that the old adage applies: if it isn't broken, dont fix it. And we see that in the schools. We have been for years celebrating christmas in schools because of the FACT that this is a christian country, and now other religions want a part in it. And i think that muslims pose a threat because the want to dominate. Yet if we go to an arab country and start talking about "how come we cant celebrate christmas?", they will surely let us build churches. And then blow them up.
Cant you see? Cant you hear? I used to think, when americans would say that this country is going to hell, "what country are you talking about?". Now I know it was the United States.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Quick Slap in the Face

The Complete Blasphemy

There is some play going on in Chicago, called The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged). Last week, in Oak Lawn, IL, some muslims where complaining about having jello in there meals or not being able to celebrate ramadan (however it's spelled). the school district was gonna throw out all christmas celebrations, for the sake of tolerance. My home church is having to go to court all the time because the city inspectors are giving us a hard time about parking, yet the building was a banquet hall before and apparently had no problems when it came to their permits. here in chicago, we always hear about woman being raped in alleys and in their own driveways. What goes on in the mind of a rapist?

the point of all this? Satan has arrived to Chicago.
Take up arms christians.

Isaiah 41:10 (NKVJ)
Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

Jumping in

When is it that Christians in America will take their faith seriously? Does not the fact that we will be judged concern anyone? Doesnt any one realize that people are dying for our faith in so many countries? yet we find it a burden to witness to someone, pass a tract out, read your bible, or even wake up early to go to church. Are you to scared, to lazy, to guilty, or just a liar?
I heard of a cuban pastor praying that communism stay in his country. Why? so that our filthy american christianity would not plague them. Another pastor, from china, was visiting the US, and was asked his thoughts on his visit, and in particular the faith in america. "The great things Americans can accomplish without God."
Lets wake up people. lets get into action.

Revelation 21:8 (NKJV)
"But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murders, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."